About me

My place, my inspiration, my life

I live in two parallel worlds and travel between them as seamlessly as possible. My course participants offer me conversation, their human energy and dynamic creativity during the courses I give. At home I get to quiet down. Living the archipelago life, laying fishing nets in the ocean and catching up to my own thoughts. In the contrasts of life is where I find inspiration.

Anna ytterst
Photo Thomas Westerlund

I live in Bråttö, on the very south western part of Föglö, one of the many islands of the Alandic archipelago. Bråttö got its name from all the wave breaking that happened along its coast. From my studio I can watch the sea breaking over the cliffs.


The four elements are the origins of everything, the foundation for our existence, allowing us a life on earth. Here on the sea shores I am surrounded by them. I live among them. In a silence still filled with sounds – from the ocean, the birds and the forest. The naked islets are an endless source of inspiration. On calm and sunny days we pack our picnic basket and head for the warm cliffs.

The naked islets are an endless source of inspiration. On calm and sunny days we pack our picnic basket and head for the warm cliffs.

Föglö Klippor
Livsnjutning, hemma

I drink my coffee on the jetty and go for a swim all year round. Lower myself into the cool, sometimes freezing, water, eagles cirkling over my head and the goldeneye bird swooshing past on its way to the outer islets.

LAT: 59° 59.406′ N
LON: 020° 20.187′ E



I express myself and my creations in metal, wood, clay and textile. To me, the creative process is a journey. I use the materials and techniques available to help me realize what I want to express here and now. I want the metal in my hand to gain life and warmth. To me it is not a cold material. In my smithy I heat it up, challenge it, make it brittle and create a surface and structure.

Photo Hülya Tokur Ehres

I want the metal in my hand to gain life and warmth. To me it is not a cold material. In my smithy I heat it up, challenge it, make it brittle and create a surface and structure.

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I value my freedom highly and take on making a practical, large piece of furniture with the same passion as when I am making grave ornaments or a personal piece of jewelry. I do not however produce large scale appliances.


My work process mills and bubbles and feels all over my body. The heat through double welding gloves. The aches in the muscles. The sludge from the tools. These are processes that live in me around the clock.

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The room is important to me. The spatiality, the void, the space and the objects all tell their stories. Helping each other in telling. When taking on an exhibition space, small or large, I want to tell a story. My story.

LAT: 59° 59.406′ N LON: 020° 20.187′ E