Gallery Kakelhallen Mariehamn 2012

In the exhibition Illusions I portrayed processes and the lives of people.

”Three bronze capsules in the room. A four meter ladder of poetry grows from the floor to the ceiling. Writings climbing on it, eating its way in to it – flowing down to the floor and climbs up the wall. White, thin pieces of skin floating in the room. Swings made from cast iron inviting you to play. As you approach them you notice the sharp edges and razor blades, they are not to be used – even that is an illusion.

The writings in the exhibition are the stories of five women who have been physically and mentally abused in previous relationships. Relationships that they have gotten out of and gotten some distance from- the scars, both visible and not, will always be there.”

LAT: 59° 59.406′ N LON: 020° 20.187′ E